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The courses of university are available on university website as well as in university library where in the description of books and syllabus are mentioned in detail, therefore students must watch the syllabus for information in detail, students may also contact to concerning department of university. 

S.No. Course Name Duration Entry Qualification Medium of instruction
1 B.A. 3 Years 12th Hindi
Literature Subject
Hindi 3 Years 12th Hindi
2 English 3 Years 12th Hindi
3 Sanskrit 3 Years 12th Hindi
4 Urdu 3 Years 12th Hindi
Practical Subject
5 Geography 3 Years 12th Hindi
6 Home Science 3 Years 12th Hindi
7 Education 3 Years 12th Hindi
8 Psychology 3 Years 12th Hindi
Other Subject
9 Medieval History 3 Years 12th Hindi
10 Political Science  3 Years 12th Hindi
11 Sociology   3 Years 12th Hindi
Admission in B.Ed is only as per rules of NCTE and test examination organized by State Government. Any of regular or temporary serving candidate of any organization